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Sunday, December 4, 2011

5 People you don't want to play hide and seek with

5. A baby
You might say that i am strange but it is true you do no want to play hide and seek with baby's. I don't know if it's all baby's but most never hide or they will never find you. oh and they can't count.
4. Rambo
Well for starters he was in the army who the hell wouldn't be scared of an army guy playing hide and seek you might be really good at hiding and just throw a bomb in any direction and chances are he will hit you. and he only what gets caught a few times in the movies. This guy would be really annoying in hide and seek
3. Osama Bin Laden
The man went in hiding for ten years 'nough said
2.Anyone from Soviet Russia
Guns, Guns and more guns. plus there really easy to get upset so um yeah. BTW they have enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world 3 times. If that isnt scary for a game of hide and seek i have no idea what is (except for the next one).
1. Chuck Norris
You cannot find Chuck, Chuck finds you.

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